Yarrr! Or shiver me timbers…(never really got that one). What am I doing in pirate garb? I’m not Johnny Depp, nor am I in a pirate movie…(mostly because I couldn’t act my way out of a paper bag!). I guess the answer is I like dressing up as different versions of myself or others. Don’t ask where it came from. Other than Halloween, I never put on a costume until I became involved with the SCA back in 1977. 

I suppose this current incarnation of my pirate self was caused by my peers in The Vikings of Bjornstad. We formed an offshoot group called The Buccaneers of Bjornstad to go to a local pirate festival and enjoyed it so much that we decided to see about taking a San Francisco bay cruise on a multi-masted sailing vessel. We were fortunate to find one that would accommodate us and allow us to come in pirate kit. We had a blast, as you can tell from the pictures.

Yes, we are available to hire as pirates…have your bag of booty ready!