My name is Astrid af Hrafnfjall and I am the wife (vif) of the Danish shipmaster (styrimaðr), Alrik af Hrafnfjall. The two of us have been handfasted for many years. But, this was not always so. Many, many years ago, a tall and dark haired warrior took me away from kith and kin when I was but an innocent maiden of 18 years. I did reside on a small landholding in a village in the next valley over from Ribe.

I lived with my family, who taught me the skills of the farm, as I grew older. I worked hard but had occasion to visit the seaport of Ribe on Laundry Day for the market. There it was that I met he who would become my husband. He espied me from afar, even as I covertly glanced at him.

As a young girl, I liked to braid my long blonde hair so it hung down on one side and I was told that I had eyes that were the color of aquamarine, a light greenish blue. My skin was pale, except where it was exposed to the sun and well tanned from work on the farm. My friends said I was comely and I did attract many admiring glances. However, it was that I gave one admirer an outward sign that he was to my taste, as he was quite manly. Little did I know that he had made plans to take me away from my family and farm, either by force or fair trade.

On a moonlit night, he came, when all in the house were abed. Suddenly, the door to our abode was stove in, as three stalwart warriors confronted my mother and father. Alrik af Hrafnfjall, their leader, spoke to my father, saying that he wanted me as his wife. My father was a large and crafty man, well versed in war, yet with a merchant’s sharp mind. He knew the worth of a young maiden, who was able-bodied and used to work on the farm. He gave Alrik two options, either fight or pay a bride-price (mundr) of 24 ounces of silver. Knowing that I would never forgive Alrik if he killed my father, he paid the price. Thus it was that I became the bride of Alrik af Hrafnfjall.

I accompanied Alrik on some of his raids and later when he sailed many times to Dub Linn, with that crafty Rus trader, Vidric. I gloried in the feel of the wind and the feel of salt spray on my skin, as his longship cut through the waves. One sailing skill he did have that caused me to wonder like no other. It amazed me that he and some of our fellow Danes could bring the ships to the lands they intended to raid after many days on the open sea – and guide them safely home. I was later to learn this was skill and not magic.

I became the mistress of our holding, Hrafnfjall. Named for the mountain that overlooked our farm, we felt secure in it’s protection by the flock of ravens that flew down daily from the mountain top. We offered them food as they were the sisters and brothers of Huginn and Muninn, favored by The Allfather. My duties when my husband, Alrik was away, placed me in charge of Hrafnfjall. I am the keeper of the keys to a number of large seaman’s chests full of plunder from his raiding days. I also manage the thralls and take particular care of the horses, sheep and chickens. However, my true joy was tending to the care and education of the children on the holding. I did see the future in their faces when I spoke of faraway lands and adventures on the seas my husband and I traveled.

There are more tales that I could tell the other children of the village of my husband, as he raided and traded in his younger years. But for now, as the gods have given the two of us time to enjoy our grandchildren on our holding at Hrafnfjall, I am content to have him by my side, whole of body and still sharp of mind.


Melinda Hughes-Berland has been a professional photographer for 50+ years. Her website is She lives in Northern California with her husband, Ed and two cats. Occasionally, she plays with the Vikings of Bjornstad, a dark ages reenactment group.