Thus far, I’ve been to Scandinavia two times, once in 2018 and most recently in 2024. In both instances I was accompanied by Henrik Olsgaard. He is the individual I have to thank for introducing me to Viking Age (793-1066CE) historical reenactment, when he invited me to participate in a reenactment of the Battle of Hastings, in England in 2006. That trip is covered elsewhere on the website.
On our first trip to Denmark, we did a 3 day layover in Iceland, seeing a friend, Kay Tracy, also a reenactor of the Viking Age, who had taken up residence there. We also explored Reykjavík and the surrounding countryside. What made the trip more fun was the addition of Henrik’s son, Erik…who is also my godson and a sometime reenactor. Good company, for sure! We did the usual museum tour and drove part way around the country. Suffice to say it is one of the most strikingly beautiful examples of geography on the planet. I may at some point, post images from that excursion here. As for Denmark, and a first time experience, it was unforgettable. We hit many of the Viking Age hotspots. The results have been combined into a series of images broken down by venue. In many instances, some of these places were visited again in my second trip.
Our second trip, we were joined by a relative newcomer to Viking Age reenactment, Derek Springer, an artist and craftsman much like myself. We also had the company of the lovely Yoko Olsgaard, who has been involved with reenactment in general for a long time, for a portion of the trip. This time we concentrated specifically on Viking sites in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and northern Germany.
The images that are shown on the submenu are from the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, the Borre / Midgard Viking Market/Viking Center, Fyrkat Ring Fort and Viking Village, the Jelling Stone, the Viking Museum and village at Ribe, the Viking Village and Market at Sagnlandet, the Viking Market/Viking Museum at Haithabu including the Gottdorf Museum, Foteviken Museum/Viking Market and Trelleborg Museum and Viking Market. There are also other places of interest to reenactors from my previous trip in 2018. I will continue to add more as time permits.
In addition, my friend, Derek has kindly given me permission to post his videos of the markets and museums. He shot video while I took photographs. We made a good team. He’s gone to the trouble of editing them and adding appropriate background music tracks. So, if you don’t wish to click through all the pictures, at least watch the videos.
!f you’re inclined to be an armchair traveler to our Viking Lands trip, prop up your feet and press play. Don’t forget the popcorn!