Three guys walk into a room, one is a Viking, one is an archer and the last is a pirate. Ah, you were perhaps expecting a joke here? I can’t think of a good one, really! My apologies. Actually, the three individuals that I mentioned are the same person. Well, there certainly may be a joke in that!

However, there is a bit of method to the creative madness that is this website. The content contained here, both text and images, are the reflections (no pun intended) and commentaries on the travels and eclectic recreational activities pursued by a retired creative director. Yes, it is, indeed, all about me…he said, laughing! Nothing wrong with my ego…perhaps, that’s why my helmet is so tight?

My somewhat eccentric sense of humor notwithstanding, the more important reason for this site is to provide some resources and other information for those individuals taking up the hobby of historical reenactment, more specifically Viking era reenactment. When I first started out, I was lucky. I had friends who had gone before me and were giving of their time and knowledge. This is my way of paying it forward, if you will. Some facts, some experimental archaeology and a lot of fun.

Norman archer

Commercial interlude here…if you reached this page in error when you were looking for Berland Design Group, you may have cause for worry, Berland Design Group really no longer exists (except for the website), as I’ve retired. We’ve closed up shop except for very, very special projects.

If you’re convinced you really want my services, click on the Berland Design Group link on the top of the page (or HERE) and send me an email. If your project is of interest to me or you wish to shower me with vast sums of money for my services, you may awaken the slumbering creative beast that was. 

Viking warrior

Considering all the years that I’ve spent at BDG (more than 31, actually!), some might say it was a time well spent in my area of endeavor. Trips and starts after a stint in the United States Air Force, finishing up college and embarking on my career path. 10 years spent in the electronics/computer/process controls industries and then finally taking the leap into my own business, first just doing graphic design, then adding marketing, advertising and web development. How I got from then to now is a bit of a tale. You may find bits and pieces of that tale as you continue reading.

So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee and have a look…you can start HERE, or if you so choose, with any other link at the top of the website. At worst, you will have wasted a bit of time…but, if my writing and images have inspired you to discover that inner person who longs to experience some adventures, now or other when, then I will be pleased. Thanks for stopping by…and don’t forget to finish that sword you’ve been hammering on, in the forge!

If you’re still not convinced that I’m having fun in my retirement, or are completely bored with my verbose verbiage or just want to look at pictures, you can start with these. Click on the pictures below to be taken to the gallery of the same name.

Norman archer
Oseberg chair
Crafts Work
Small seax

A side note:  I am indebted to a number of people, without whom this website would not exist. First and foremost, my wife Melinda, who is my principal photographer and who allows me the opportunity to play in other centuries. My partners in crime, The Vikings of Bjornstad and its members, who make me want to become a more authentic historical reenactor. Last, there are all the other photographers, who have given their time and photography over the years. Since there is a plethora of images on the site, I will list the names of those responsible for them. If you happen to spot an image of yours that you would like a photo credit, please let me know.

Participating Photographers:  Melinda Hughes-Berland, Ed Berland, Jack Garrett, Ron Crain, Robert Pierce, Dennis Urbiztondo, Tim Meyer, John Gayler, Jon Taylor, Mark Butler, Roberto Gonzalez, Brady Thomas, Janet Meadows, David Ludwig, VED, George Zhiiian Qiao and Catherine Keegan.